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WATER, the foundation of life

Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Staying hydrated is a key part of staying healthy.

Why is water essential?

  • The human body is, on average, made up of 60% water. It protects us from injury by surrounding important parts of our anatomy, like our brain, and it carries nutrients through our bodies via the blood. Water is also essential in facilitating the elimination of waste through urination.

Staying hydrated will:

  • Optimize your metabolism

  • Boost energy levels

  • Promote good digestion

The amount of water you drink can have a major impact on your health. Staying properly hydrate is all about balance. Too much water can result in mineral imbalances, while too little can cause dehydration, headaches, or fatigue.

How much water should you drink?

  • The amount of water our bodies need to function properly is different for everyone, depending on different days & situations. For example if you're exercising, if it's hot , if you're drinking alcohol, if you're pregnant, breastfeeding or if you're sick have a fever, diarrhoea/vomiting…

  • On average men should ingest about 3.7 litres and women about 2.7 litres of water each day. This may seem like a lot, but this number includes water that we get from our food, which accounts for an estimated 20% of water consumed daily.

  • In order to satisfy individual needs, various lifestyle factors need to be taken into consideration. Things like diet, age, climate, and state of health all affect hydration needs. For example a diet filled with fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables would be more hydrating than a diet based on processed, packaged foods.

How do I stay hydrated?

  • Eat right! Fruits and vegetables contain lots of water and can help you reach your hydration goal.

  • Keep water with you! I like to carry an insulated water bottle with me wherever I go! It's much easier to stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day than to rehydrate by drinking lots of water at once. Insulated bottles have the added benefit of keeping your water the right temperature while you're on the go! I like the brands Yeti, S'well, and lululemon.

  • Add some flavour! Squeeze a bit of lemon into your water! Just the slight acidity can make water feel effortless to drink.

How to know you're properly hydrated?

  • Your urine should be pale yellow in colour. If it's totally clear, you may be over hydrated, and if it darker in colour, it's time to hydrate!

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